POV‑Ray Mosaic: triangle pattern, Regular plane partition 36
Converting 2D image into mosaic of 3D objects
POV‑Ray Mosaic is a set of programs, which read every pixel of source image and convert it into a virtual 3D object, packed side by side with objects created from other pixels, thus creating something like 3D-mosaic in POV-Ray format. You can download POV‑Ray Mosaic from GitHub and use it for free.
36Zaika is a part of this package, covering 36 Euclidean tiling.
Update: In version texture syntax changed to fully blown texture, thus providing a capability to build layered textures.
Regular plane partition 36 have only one problem: I can imagine only one type of object to fill it.

#declare scale_map = <0, 0, 2>
Yes. It's equilateral trigonal prism - the only thing I can offer you.
I even added conic_sweep variant as separate thingie type to somehow justify object switch idea.

If you manage to invent some other object for 36 plane partition pattern, I plead you to share your finding.
Until then, we may have fun with normals, especially with 36 ones:

normal{tiling 3 scale <0.5, 5, 0.5> rotate <90, 0, 0>}
Not surprisingly, triangle normal pattern perfectly fit triangle object pattern.
Surely 36zaika have a lot of control options, like surface editing and mapping, characteristic for POV‑Ray Mosaic programs in general and described previously.
Assuming you scrolled that far, I remind you that you can download POV‑Ray Mosaic from GitHub.
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